Starting the Epic Pet Clinic project, a ground up build of Spring Pet Clinic using the latest versions of Java, Spring, and Hilla and named Epic Pet Clinic: Spring Hilla Edition. The basic use cases and wireframes have been captured in the Epic Pet Clinic Spec project which will evolve to make Epic Pet Clinic a more useful application.
This web site has been in the making for over a decade, maybe two. I have been wanting to do this during that time and have made many attempts using the latest blogging thing at the moment. It did end up being a learning experience each time with my focus on the technical aspects of making this site versus, you know, writing something. It is different this time around.
Learn essential commands for installing, updating, and managing software packages on macOS with this quick reference guide. Perfect for macOS users and developers!
Learn essential commands for encryption, decryption, and key management with this quick reference guide. Perfect for security-conscious users and developers!