
This Website

The site is built with my bare hands using Eleventy, Tailwind CSS, and AlpineJS hosted on Netlify, and source available on GitHub. Discuss content with me on Bluesky.

Epic Pet Clinic

The Epic Pet Clinic is based on the Spring Pet Clinic which was intended as an example for using Spring to create web applications and inspired by Sun Microsystems' Java Pet Store. Epic Pet Clinic will initially have feature parity with Spring Pet Clinic but then evolve to serve as a demonstration of my capability to create useful web applications using the latest technology. See post about the start of this project and follow along with my progress.


In the past I used Vert.x to build high performance edge servers. This project was intended to find the best way to properly shutdown a Vert.x application. The project is available on GitHub.


The project was an interview homework assignment originally developed in Java. Later I implemented this project in Clojure, my first Clojure project. Probably not the best Clojure and I am sure I would make some changes now, the thing I like about the Clojure version was implementing a multi-module project using Leiningen. You can find the Java version and Clojure version on GitHub.