hadoop: Cheat Sheet
Learn essential commands for distributed storage, file operations, cluster management, and data processing with this quick reference guide. Perfect for big data engineers and analysts!
Hadoop is an open-source framework for distributed storage and processing of large data sets using the MapReduce programming model. It includes components like HDFS, YARN, and MapReduce.
These commands used on hadoop cluster running in Azure moving files between the cluster and blob storge.
Copy folder and its contents from HDI storage account to HDP local storage.
hadoop distcp \
wasb://this@that.blob.core.windows.net/thing/incoming \
Copy folder and its contents from HDP local storage to cold storage account.
hadoop distcp \
hdfs://hadoop-hdfs-cluster:8020//tmp/test/incoming \
Remove folder on cold storage account for next test
hdfs dfs -rm -r wasb://this@that.blob.core.windows.net/tmp/test/incoming/
Copy folder and its contents from HDI storage account to cold storage account on HDP master.
hadoop distcp \
wasb://this@that.blob.core.windows.net/thing/incoming \
Run filesystem commands
hdfs dfs COMMAND
Show command usage
hdfs dfs
List contents of directory
hdfs dfs -ls /some/path/to/list
Cat a file
hdfs dfs -cat /path/to/file
Add file to HDFS. Use -f to force overwrite
hdfs dfs -put /some/file.ext /path/in/hdfs/for/file
Add folder and its contents to HDFS
hdfs dfs -put /linux/path /hdfs/path
Get a file
hdfs dfs -get /some/path/in/hdfs /path/to/place/file
Remove a file. Use -r for recursive delete
hdfs dfs -rm /some/path/in/hdfs
Make directory. Use -p to create entire path.
hdfs dfs -mkdir /path/to/new/directory
Remove directory.
hdfs dfs -rmdir /path/to/new/directory
Remove directory with content
hdfs dfs -rm -r /path/to/new/directory
Leave safe mode, this was necessary when trying to restart HDFS after config change but it failed to leave safe mode and start, need to run as privileged user hdfs
sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave
Check HDFS file consistency, need to run as privilged user hdfs, find corrupt, missing, and under replicated blocks
sudo -u hdfs hdfs fsck /
List HDI storage account from HDP master
hdfs dfs -ls wasb://this@that.blob.core.windows.net/
List cold storage account from HDP master
hdfs dfs -ls wasb://this@that.blob.core.windows.net/
Create folder on cold storage account
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p wasb://this@that.blob.core.windows.net/tmp/test
Create folder on local HDFS
hdfs dfs -mkdir /tmp/test